April Newsletter 2022

Rain Rain and more Rain! we have had so much rain that we had to change our open day. Please keep in touch perhaps on our Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Campbelltownlapidary/

Also check the newsletter. Thank YOU

Now Open Day Is May 7, 2022


Saturday 7 May 2022
Open day is important to our club as it allows the
public to find out about us
, allows members to sell
their items and provides money for our club
equipment so please help.
We have a list of jobs that we need help with on the
club notice board, please add your name to the list. If
more information is needed please ask the Duty
Volunteers required
from 7.30 am
We need volunteers for:
Cleaning prior to day
Club Stall help setting up & putting away
Canteen helpers including donations of
cakes/slices for sale
Cleaning at end of day
General Setting Up & spreading the word…..

continued in the NEWSLETTER

Please note we’ve had to close two of our work days as follows. they will be restored asap.

Club Rooms Opening Hours
Monday 9 am till 1 pm – now closed
Wednesday 9 am till 1 pm
Friday 5 pm till 9 pm- now closed
Saturday 9 am till 1 pm

February Newsletter and Opening News

Opening in February 2022

My apologies for this late notification, but this last week has been simply hectic.

The Club will re-open on Wednesday 16/2/2022 at 9am until 1pm.

The Club will be open only two days per week for the time being.

Wednesdays 9am-1pm

Saturdays  9am-1pm

Covid-19 rules are applicable:

– Check in/out either by QR code or manual sign in/out.

– Masks to be worn inside the workshop

– Please use hand sanitizer.

– Please bring and use your own rock drying towel.

– While the kitchen is open, please eat and drink outside.

Thankyou for your co-operation and understanding.

Stay safe, keep well.


John Colless

We lost one of our favourite members, Ray Jones more news below

https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4880768008682319&id=100002475042246&m_entstream_source=timeline&ref=m_notif&notif_t=feedback_reaction_genericYesterday, Thirlmere lost one of its icons, Ray Jones.

**If you would like to make a suggestion, contribution, or submission to the newsletter, I would be happy to receive anything lapidary related, or of general interest to members. If you do have something you would like to share please send in by email:  ctownlapidaryclub.editor@gmail.com before the last week of the month.

December thru to February News

I hope you had a very good Holiday and will have a Happy New Year. Personally I had my hands very full. I’m sure I am not the only one. Here is the December Newsletter. Please note the next newsletter will be the February 2022 edition. 

New January 14. 2022 From The President:

The Club is closed for January, We will re-evaluate for February reopening, Thank you.

From Kathy, thank you for being patient and PLEASE get your booster asap. Best Wishes

November Freedom, Open for Vaccinated

Hi everyone! great News for us!

*A message from Judy

The November newsletter (attached) contains some interesting articles related to club members, and projects they have been working on during the current lockdown. I hope you find it interesting and relevant, and it inspires you to share your stories, photos of creations/projects, or questions and suggestions in future editions. 

Freedom days, Tuesday Oct. We are open !

from Suzy;

The club has reopened!

You are welcome to attend the club

  • If you are double vaccinated,
  • have paid your membership
  • have made a booking thru John Collace messages can be left on club phone (02) 9618 3206
  • From Kathy- see other contact info from last post. Please write all the Clubs contact info ASAP in your phone for future reference. Thank you.

When you attend the club for the first time, please bring your proof of double vaccination with you, it can be on your phone using the ap, a paper copy of a photograph of a PDF of a paper copy.
I am looking forward to seeing members when I am in on Saturday.- Suzy

Freedom Day/week Oct Newsletter

Great News ! we are waiting patiently for the news that the club will be open.

I do not have official news from the president or others that decide when or where just yet but suggest to check Facebook and / or messenger group for immediate information.

From the newsletter: October Monthly meeting and Open Day will not be held.{ things could change in my opinion.}

All our rules for living with Covid 19 will be in place eg. using hand sanitiser, possibly masks, vaccinations, and registering at door… possibly more.

Membership fees must be paid. Please see details in the newsletter.

Here is October Newsletter:

*It is recommended that you put the info below on your personal contact list on your phone.*

Club house Phone: 96183206 please leave message

Email: ctownlapidaryclub@bigpond.com / campbelltownlapidary@hotmail.com {website editor- Kathy}

website: campbelltownlapidary.org.au

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Campbelltownlapidary

Newsletter Editor , Judy : ctownlapidaryclub@editor@gmail.com

July, August and September Gazettes

Sept 12, 2021

Hello everyone,

Apologies if you have found the website inaccessible, it should now be restored and the last three newsletters published with this message.

We have been closed for some time now but it looks as if we will be opening up end of October for shops such as hairdressers etc. Please remember this has to be verified by the the club. You will be told as soon as possible and I assume it may be dependent on you having a vaccination. Please look out for an update soon.

Also, It is time for us to send in our yearly membership. Because of lockdown and our Open Day and Exhibition being cancelled our bank balance has been depleted. Your fees are needed to keep things running smoothly and ready to open on time. Our bank information is on the August 2021 Newsletter.

First of the month general meetings will NOT be held at this time until further notice. Please contact Susy, Margaret or Suzy thru Facebook messenger if you wish immediate attention. You are an important part of the club and your input is extremely valuable. There is no such thing as a silly question.

Judy has done an excellent job on the newsletters. She has put in some very valuable information and very interesting information for all of us. Please help her out by giving her information that you might have run across. I think that she should be given a big pat on her back, thank you Judy, you have been a blessing to us.

Finally, as in the Newsletter, Judy has given us the link to the Gem and Lapidary Council of NSW: http//:www.gemlapidarycouncilnsw.org.au/events/

Contributions can be made to ctownlapidaryclub.editor@gmail.com

Below will be the newsletters for July, August and September in case they were not available. You are welcome to read any of the newsletters in the list.

Take care and best wishes, Kathy.