Nov. 2016 Newsletter

G-day everyone. Below is the newsletter. I hope everyone is well. Suzy and myself are battling with major surgeries. Best Wishes Suzy!

* we did not have a general meeting for the beginning of November. We will need to see you for Decembers meeting if you can of course. For those who do not remember, General Meetings are held the first Saturday of the month unless it lies on a holiday or we have advised you ahead of time. It is the time when you can say what you want to say and better yet help with anything to do with the club. It starts at 9:30 am on the dot!

Christmas Dinner and our 50th anniversary will be celebrated At The Grange  on the 26th of November at 6pm. We would love to see you there- all old and new members are welcome. Please contact the club for info. $35 pp.  It would be wonderful to see you there. Please contact others that you think may wish to attend!

Rock Grinders GazzetteNovember16

Thanks everyone. Best Wishes!


October News

Great to hear that Open Day went very well.  I am still recovering from my back surgery. It will be awhile. Please feel free to contact me and the club for information.

Linda is heading up the workshop this month. With well over 35 years of experience Linda will guide you through a project that you will be proud of for many years. Please see the newsletter for more information.

Workshops are held on the forth Saturday of the month. It is advised to book in ahead of time so there are enough materials. You do not have to be a member to participate-thanks Kathy

Rock Grinders GazzetteOctober16

Bi Annual Open Day Sausage Sizzle Celebration and Market!

Here is the OPEN DAY Flyer Please feel free to copy and paste and share this with those interested, friends family and businesses!


Open Day Flyer for Oct 15, 2016 feel free to copy and paste and distribute to those interested
Campbelltown Lapidary Open Day flyer

A Great Day Out!

Markets featuring Gemstones & Handmade Jewelry, Sausage Sizzle.

Tailgating Welcome! You are very welcome to come and and see how the club operates.

We have club members sell their work, rocks, gold, and OPALS.

You will be happy to enjoy looking at buying crafts, bits and pieces and art and enjoy a sausage cakes and a cuppa!

ADDRESS: Lot 1 Bensley Road Macquarie Fields NSW 2564MAIL: PO Box 477 Ingleburn NSW 1890EMAIL:

WEBSITE:  9618 3206


Leave a Message if you wish more information. You can set up from around 8 am.

September 2016 Newsletter and Sad News

Obituary for Bob Pullan

We have had some very sad news. One of our strongest members Bob Pullan passed away last Thursday from a fall that broke his hip and it was discovered he had severe cancer thoughout his body.  He will be laid to rest at Forest Lawn Leppington, NSW near his wife Miriam. He is survived by his son John. Bob, Miriam, and John were all active lapidary member thoughout their lives. Bob especially taught our crew faceting and was the most patient, kindest member our club may ever have. He was in his late 80’s. Please inquire at the club where to send flowers or donations. Bob’s son John has not let me know if he has had any preferences. I believe in live plants for the club or donations to your preferred charity but I sadly apologize at the time I am writing this. I do not know.

The ceremony will be held Friday, Sept 9th. 2pm.  Please join us to celebrate his life. North Chapel.

Also, our president Suzi Brandstater has lost her father after a long illness. Suzi and her family are devastated as we expect. Cards may be sent to the club if anyone wishes to give their condolences. thank you

Our AGM has been held and the complete list of e;ected members will be published at a later date. Please keep you eyes peeled.

Current news can be read in the news letter. Rock Grinders GazzetteSeptember16a

Best Wishes and Condolences to Bob’s family and friends. Our condolences to Suzy and her family as well.

August Newsletter for 2016

Newsletter for August 2016

Rock Grinders GazzetteAugust16

After a very busy month we are anticipating our Annual General Meeting.  We need to have volunteers for a few positions. Please write your ideas on the board.

Those who need to catch up on you membership dues Please do so asap. We love to have you participate in all of our activities,

Please read the Newsletter for more news.

Thanks Kathy

Newsletter and current news

Our July Newsletter!

Rock Grinders GazzetteJuly16

It’s that time of the year!

Let Everyone Know about our 9-10 July 2016 Our Annual Exhibition!

Campbelltown & District Lapidary Club Gem, Mineral & Jewellery Show.

Membership is due July 1st

MembershipSingle      $15.00

Family      $20.00

Pensioner Family    $15.00

Pensioner / Student  $10.00

Insurance      $4.50 per member

Workshop fees     $2.00

NOTE: You must be an insured member over 12 years of age to use machinery & cutting implementsAll visitors are welcome however only members can use machines or gas.

You can sign up on any day of the week. Leave a message and you can receive details. Thank you, Kathy

ps, I have my surgeries in the next couple months so if I do not reply Please contact the club if you need us. Wish me luck.



This is the direct link to the Gem and Lapidary Council for New South Wales if needed.


June Newsletter and Getting Ready for the exhibition!

Rock Grinders GazzetteJune16

It’s that time of the year!

Big things are happening

9-10 July 2016 Our Annual Exhibition!

Campbelltown & District Lapidary Club Gem, Mineral & Jewellery Show, Our venue has good lighting and our displays and dealers fill two large rooms.  Our members display their lapidary & Silver work & our dealers have amazing fossils, polished gems, rough and slabs, tools and jewelry, including handmade silver items. Special activities for children  We also have a large dining room where we serve hot & cold drinks, cakes, slices, pies & sandwiches throughout the day. And best of all we have two days for likeminded people to get together and talk about their favourite pastime.


Greg Percival Community Centre, Ingleburn, NSW Entry Fees are: Children & Seniors $3. Adults $5 and Families $15. Open Both days at 9.30am

We are needing everyone on deck!

We need your help.We need people to help with publicity, with packing , transporting and setting up the exhibition. We desperately need help in the kitchen.What can you do? Give us a few hours of your time to make the exhibition a success. We have flyers that need distributing, you can get some from the sign on book or a digital one from a committee member. Remember every person through the door is a happy person in our community. The more people through the door, the happier our dealers will be, we really want our top class dealers back again next year.

If you can help, put your name down on the list on the board or contact Margaret. 0430458054 Please be considerate of time, people need to eat driner and sleep. leave a message, it will be looked at

If you can’t sign up now come on the day. Its a great day for all. It’s like Christmas and the Bead and Button Show all wrapped up in one.  We have a collection of stones and goodies all in one. Bring the kids. It is a learning experience. They participate in games and can buy gifts for mum and dad that will truly please them – and doesn’t cost the world!

What to do on the weekend and during the week if you are able. This is a way to meet the club members and see what we get up to.

Just a reminder Club memberships are due. You need to pay on time to keep your insurance current. You can’t use the machines without insurance! Contact Margaret if you have difficulty but it is best to pay asap. Due July 1st

Single      $15.00  Family      $20.00 Pensioner Family    $15.00  Pensioner / Student  $10.00  Insurance      $5.00 per member  Workshop fees     $2.00  NOTE: You must be an insured member over 12 years of age to use machinery & cutting implements  All visitors are welcome however only members can use machines or gas.  Are you confused? don’t be ring the club and leave a message some one will respond asap.  9618 3206

Finally, We are on Facebook!

If this link doesn’t work google  Campbelltown Lapidary Club Facebook

I am Webmaster, Kathy, you can reach me through the club but also at

Thanks to all for your kind responses to my health problems. I am still here but “behind the scenes”  Best Wishes Kathy


April Newsletter 2016

Hello Everyone!
We are slowly getting into winter and for all of those who like to dig out their own gems and fossils you will be very happy about it getting cooler.
We have had one of the hottest spring and summers I can remember.
One of our members has taken advantage of the weather change has made his first trip fossicking by himself to Western Australia. It’s an advantage belonging to a club because it’s always possible to run into someone you know.
We just had our first Open Day for the year and it was very successful. Thank you to all of those who have participated because without you we wouldn’t be able to pull it off.
If you wish to participate and comment on any of our activities please come to our General Meeting on the first Saturday of the month. Members are invited for the General Meeting. Management will stay later for the management duties.

Rock Grinders GazzetteApril16

Temporarily we will hold our management meeting on the same day as the General meeting. {the first Sat. of the Month}
It is important that you have your say.


Our next big event will be the mid year exhibition. Details will be in the newsletter. Click on the link.
If you ever have any questions about the club feel free to ring and leave a message. If you ring when the club is open the Duty Officer will answer questions he or she can. If not they will have someone will ring you back.
Hope to see you there! -Kathy

Current News!
To all new members, we trust you will enjoy your experiences with us and benefit from our classes. If you have any questions there is a duty officer who will assist you. All members would also love to help you if they can.
November 2015 Topaz
Pensioner Family Pensioner / Student Insurance Workshop fees
$5.00 per member $2.00
NOTE: You must be an insured member over 12 years of age to use machinery & cutting implements
All visitors are welcome however only members can use machines or gas.

Silver Classes
Silver Casting Classes have resumed Barry and Dorothy will be happy to help you learn how to cast sterling silver jewellery.
April Workshop – 23/4/16
Silver Earrings
This month’s workshop will be taught by our master silver smith Ron Dean.
We will be making sterling silver earrings from jump rings.
Everything supplied, but bring your own tools if you have them.
Cost: $20

To see more about our club visit our Facebook Page.

See the newsletter for more information and the diary for upcoming events as soon as we get them!

Happy New Year! First Newsletter of the year Feb. 2016

Rock Grinders GazzetteFebrurary16

Good Day, Good Day, Good Day!

Happy to see you here. We are starting the new year with a bang. We have the first of our twice a year Open days coming up on Sat March 12. starting at 9am. Tailgating is welcome. Please book in head of time because spaces are scarce. Lot 1 Bensley Road. Macquarie Fields. Please spread the word. Feel free to post our flyer on your notice board.

You can comment here or if you wish we have a new Facebook Page!

Please note Google Maps have made a bit of a mistake. they are directing people to #1 Bensley Rd instead of Lot 1. that takes you to the wrong side of the round about.

We have a Sausage Sizzle for everyone who loves a nice barbecue. Cake and drinks are available all day long. This is where you can buy from our skilled craftsmen and you can tour the club to see how rocks are made into gemstones.  You can buy gold, Opals and most of our nations fine gemstones all for a reasonable price. Its a great day!


Club times are from 9am to 1 pm Monday, Wednesday & Saturday. Silver Casting is held on Friday evenings 5pm  to 8:30pm. note, Casting is closed in the winter.

Open Day Flyer

Map for the Biannual Open Day Trash and Treasure Lapidary Market
How to get there!

Open Day Trash And Treasure!

Have a look at the newsletter and you will see what else is going on.

Newsletter for December 2015

Merry Christmas animated with many colors

animated snowman

Happy Holidays Everyone,

Please be safe and have a very happy Christmas Holiday and A Happy New Year.

Dear Club Members and families,

Yes, I am still battling with my health. I have one more major surgery coming up with my knee- not complaining just explaining. Thank you to all of those who are in touch with me, it means everything to have your support. I am still here, just can not walk. Call if you need me or if I can help in any other way.- Thank You, Kathy

Please read the Newsletter for opening times for the club on the Holidays. The general meeting will not be held until February. It is usually held on the first Saturday of the month.

Here is the link for the Newletter:

Rock Grinders Gazzette December 2015