Open Day! October 14, everyone Welcome!

Open Day Saturday – 14th October
Our open day is fast approaching. There is a list of jobs that need doing on the white board, please put
your name down to help out on the day. Carolina is after more stock for the club sales. We are quite
depleted after the exhibition. She is particularly after rough, opals or handmade cabochons. But
anything is good. Please consider what you can do for the club on this day.

Open Day Sausage Sizzle
Come and Enjoy! See how to turn rocks into Gemstones

How to get there


Hi everyone. I haven’t had a great few months. Complications from my surgery. I am slowly getting better don’t worry. I can’t believe it has been so long since I posted. We have had the exhibition and elected New Members for Office. Don’t for get the Open Day coming up. Hope to see you there if I am able. Remember to mark it on your calendar, lots of nice things to buy and see.
Here are June, July and August Newsletters. I hope everyone is well. Best Wishes Kathy

Rock Grinders GazzetteJune17
Rock Grinders GazzetteJuly17
Rock Grinders GazzetteAugust17
Rock Grinders GazzetteSeptember17
Rock Grinders Gazette-October2017

Here Is the results from our elections! Congratulations and thank you all!

June Newsletter and Annual Exhibition

Hello Everyone!
This weekend we have the General Meeting. Always remember this is the meeting you should come to. You have the chance to see what is happening with the club and you get to share with everyone. I hope you do come and help with the last details for our Annual Exhibition. It starts at 9:30 Am. Everyone is welcome!
Please print out the flyer and distribute it to our friends. Flyers will also be available at the club.

Exhibition Flyer for July 2017

Also here is the Newsletter for June. Check out current news and the diary for the next couple months.
Thank you everyone for your patience and kindness, Kathy

Rock Grinders GazzetteJune17

Sad news, two of our most important elders Kath Oshaunassey’s son John and Helen Standing

Members of our club and clubs in the region will remember Kathleen O’shaunassy . Her husband Laurie, passed a short few years ago. Kath was survived by several of her children and grandchildren. Her son John, 57 passed at her home suddenly of a unknown heart condition. We are very sad about this and wish to send our condolences to friends and family. Her phone service has been extremely unreliable and so if you wish to reach her it may be best to contact the club and your messages will be sent on to Kathleen. I am sure she will be grateful for your good wishes.

Our other bad news is that another strong member Helen Standing, 78 has passed due to complications from a long standing battle with diabetes. Her husband Ray have been strong members and very active when their health was better. Ray passed away very many years ago now. Helen has, in the last couple of years, been active at meetings and given us guidance. She was a very kind and thoughtful member. She is survived by two daughters from her marriage with Ray and a daughter from a previous marriage. I am sorry I do not know if I can pass on any more information in respect to the family. I am sure they would love to hear from you. If the family or close friends read this we send our condolences.
The funeral will be at the
Forest Lawn Memorial Park North Chapel at 12 noon. (9606 5822)
Friday , 26, 2017

You can also leave a message on the phone at Lapidary. 9618 3206 We will be able to see the message on Wednesday but no latter.
It is possible to leave a message on our Facebook site.

Helen Jaye Standing
Born in Tenterfield on 8 December 1938
Passed away in Ruse on 16 May 2017
Late of Ruse
Aged 78 years
Service Details
Helen’s relatives and friends are warmly invited to attend Her funerals service to be held in the North Chapel of Forest Lawn Crematorium, Camden Valley Way Leppington, NSW, on Friday 26th May 2017 commencing at 12 midday.

Flyers are ready for the exhibition

Thank You Suzy!
Flyers have been designed and published by Suzy for our Midyear Exhibition.
Please they are open for review. Right now it looks good.

Please print off the flyers early and send them to relevant businesses and friends and family. Everyone will love to find a special rock, gem or mineral. we have what you want to add to collections and make jewelry. Kids are especially catered for and we will be serving your favorite cuppa, cakes, hot dogs and other morning tea special goodies.

April’s Newsletter

Can you believe it? the rain stayed away for the Open Day! We had a great turn out. Thank you for all of those who participated. Our next sale will be our Mid Year Exhibition. Keep an eye out for information here and in the Newsletter.
We also are having regular workshops and Silver casting Classes. Please look at the Newsletter and also phone the club for any special questions.
Rock Grinders GazzetteApril17

Newsletter and General Meeting for February 2017

Amazing, 2017! we have jumped into the new year and are hoping for the best. Or just message Facebook.
Most of the news will be in the newsletter but the most important news is that or first General meeting is Feb 4 – Saturday.
Everyone is welcome. you can ask questions and give your ideas . Your ideas are very welcome.
the newsletter is here!
Rock Grinders Gazzette January18

December Newsletter 2016

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Wow, December already! Things are going by so fast but really slow for myself. I hate to keep telling you all how bad I feel since I have had all the back and knee surgeries.  I am on the home straight. That means I am almost there, almost healed.  So Santa, if your out there, I’ve been a good girl and I hope my gift is walking well.

Best Wishes for all of you, keep safe and  enjoy the holiday season.

Everything is in the newsletter. Only changes at this time are that in March our Open Day has been changed from March 11 to March 25, 2016

Rock Grinders GazzetteDecember16


Check out our Facebook Page!