August Newsletter 2020 covid news

Hi everyone, Sorry, not good news on the opening up of the club for now.
I am speaking for myself but I think we could open with all the rules in mind. Social distancing, masks, gloves, disinfectant use and small numbers coming in at a time.
Please comment on the clubs Facebook page and/ or message group if you have any ideas.
And also please pay your membership fees. The membership fees are on most of the newsletters listed on the left side of this page.
Pensioners are $10 plus $5 insurance. Only a very small amount to keep our club open and ready for you when we are truly open and ready for us when the time comes.
Here is the latest newsletter for those who are wanting to keep in touch.
I certainly miss you and wish you and your families well.
Best Wishes,
Rock Grinders Gazette-August 2020

Late News, Sorry, Covid madness for me

Hi everyone, I didn’t receive my newsletter email as usual for the last couple months so was waiting for this Covid pandemic to settle a bit and hear from someone at the club. Finally found July’s newsletter in my box. it’s a good one by the way. Thank you Judy, you made us smile!
June’s Newsletter has very important information. We will open those doors asap. We will have to adhere to masks and social distancing. I hope you are staying home as much as possible since we have had the outbreaks at the Crossroads. As Judy reminded us in the Newsletter our Retired members are almost always co-morbid. If you don’t understand what that is it means you have a disease or have had a disease like diabetes now or in the past that affects you especially your lungs or heart. And if you are not older you do not want to pass this horrible virus on to your family.

Here is an excerpt from June’s newsletter:
Exhibition With much reluctance, we have cancelled our annual exhibition. An exhibition would not be viable even under the relaxed restrictions. We have re-booked for the same weekend next year
October Open Day At this stage we have not made a decision about the Open Day. We are hopeful that we can have it.
But, in this ever-changing world we live in, we cannot make a decision that far in advance. I have my fingers crossed.
Club Membership For our club to remain being legally allowed to remain a club, we must have paid up members. The club still must pay rent, electricity, phone and internet each month no matter what. Some of our costs are down, but some remain the same whether we use the club or not.
Rock Grinders Gazette-July 2020
Rock Grinders Gazette- June 2020
Rock Grinders Gazette-May 2020.docx

Thank you everyone for your patience. We hope we will be back in action soon. If you have something for the Newsletter please feel free to contact us here, the emails or better yet Facebook. take care, Kathy

April News

Sorry for the bad news that is in front of all of us but here is the newsletter/ hopefully we will be back on board soon.
Rock Grinders Gazette-April 2020

take care and follow the recommendations for all of our welfare. We are the front line, wash your hands, keep your distances and isolate yourselves.

March 2020 Newsletter!

Hello everyone!
We are having our Open Day very soon (Saturday – 21 March, 9- 3pm -). Provided the weather holds out we will have a great time. Lots of good things and people to see. Please check the newsletter for more information.
Don’t be shy either. You can ring and leave a message with you questions. 02 9618 3206
See you soon
Click below for our Newsletter
Rock Grinders Gazette-March 2020

ADDRESS: Lot 1 Bensley Road, Hazlett Oval Macquarie Fields NSW 2564
MAIL: PO Box 477, Ingleburn NSW 1890
PHONE: (02) 9618 3206

Open Day March 21st 2020

For every waiting for the good news about our Open Day!
We plan to have our Open Day on Saturday 21st March 2020.
It starts at 9am until 3pm. Set up times will be given to you when you are given your market stall, you can ring to leave a message for this and other information. Please leave plain and clear details in order for us to call back.

Our Open Day is our chance to show you how the club works. We have morning tea and a yummy sausage sizzle. You are welcome to copy and display the flyer below.
Lot 1 Bensley Road Macquarie Fields
Email: for newsletter info.
Phone: 029618 3206

Campbelltown Lapidary Open Day Markets
Biannual Open Day Come and see Markets and our club

November News

Christmas is coming soon, Our christmas party will be advertised in the newsletter. Volunteers to help will be welcome. See you there!
Unfortunately our field trip is postponed until next year due to the drought.

Club Holiday Closure Club will be closed for the Christmas Holiday break from Saturday 14 December 2019 until Saturday 11 January 2020.

Sat 14 Dec 2019 CAMPBELLTOWN District Lapidary Club
Christmas Party
Time: 12.00 noon
Cost: $5.00
Venue: Lot 1 Bensley Road, Ingleburn
Note: Please write your name on the noticeboard if attending, for catering purposes.
Please also bring a plate of food, eg salad, desert. The club will be providing BBQ meat and lucky door prizes.
Workshops will close at 11.00 am for cleaning up purposes, as this is the last day the Club will be open for the year.
See the Newsletter for other news.

Rock Grinders Gazette-November 2019
We always welcome stories related to the club for the newsletter. Please contact the club, preferably leave a message on the phone as well so your message can be returned promptly. Late membership fees always welcome. If you haven’t caught up don’t worry things happen. Just let us know.

August News

Good Morning all
You wouldn’t know but I have been in hospital again.
Sorry for the delay.
in my attempt to sort out a new phone I have found the replies to this site should be coming to our emails or our Facebook page. When I get a bit more time I will check my contacts list and make sure they correlate with the web site. Apologies if you have tried to contact the club here. remember the Facebook page
My email is

Rock Grinders Gazette-August-2019 (002)

Fossiking Field Trip!

Hi Everyone
A huge thank you for the help on Open Day. The weather wasn’t the best but we certainly had a great day for our friends and visitors. Thanks everyone

We have been lucky to have field trips that will not be forgotten. Please share this flyer to you lapidary friends.
Glen Innes Fossicking TripApril 19

Important Read the flyer!
Motel accommodation is becoming scarce due to this trip being over part of the Easter weekend. I suggest you book ASAP. Don and I will be staying at Anna Bella Motel (02) 6732 2688. Powered sites are still available at the caravan parks

If you are interested in this trip or need more details
Contact Suzy Brandstater
Or email
Non member participation MUST be okayed by Suzy