September and October Newsletters

Hi everyone,

So sorry. I have been traveling and slowed down on my posts.  I assume all is ok because the club house is still standing.  I would like to make a mention to Carolyna and Suzy! Carolyna and  her family have been working very hard at the club. Her Husband Eugenio is now a duty officer replacing Dieter. Thank you both. See more in the newsletter.  Suzy has working very hard too.  She will be teaching the October Work shop. See the newsletter for more information.

Betty, thank you for looking after the trees out in the front. Just so you know they dont get watered by themselves, Betty is bucketing the water on a Monday. Anyone else going to help? Maybe we need a work list for this summer since it is going to be a hot one.

Just a reminder the General Meeting is on the 12th Oct. on the same day as the meeting when we look at the Constitution. 9:30 AM Start.  There will be a free Suasage Sizzle after the meeting. It is important that everyone read the constitution and agree to the changes. CONSTITUTION Campbelltown and Districts Lapidary Club

Please Read The Newsletters for news about the meetings, election, October field Trip, and workshops!

September Gazette 2013

October 2013 Gazette

Thank you everyone for all your hard work,

Have a Great October, Kathy

August Newsletter 2013 and Results from the General Meeting

We have some big news, Our president Steve McColloch resigned from the position of president at our last management meeting. It was due to business commitments. We would like to thank him for all his efforts. Ron Dean and Suzy Brandster will be filling in until our AGM. I need to remind everyone to give suggestions to who they wish to nominate for all positions before the AGM. There will be a nomination sheet on the board, please let us know who you think will do a good job!

Speaking of doing a good job, again at the General meeting we talked about how everyone pitched in and helped out at the exhibition and how it would be nice to have more of the same next year.  We spoke of having an exhibition commitee again. We didn’t have one this year since so many of our members have either been ill or had commitments that kept them from coming and particitpating. In any case things went very well.  We especially wish to thank Steve our care person at the Percival Centre for his help again this year, you are most appreciated. It was also mentioned how good it was to have a great group of sellers.

Big thank you to Lil and the others who helped at the childrens table. It is very important to start our children off with a basic knowledge of stones. We have them fill out a card and match them to their names. Next year it was suggested to make a bracelet.

Another big thank you to Paul Cosi at Council for his help. The council had supported us in several ways too long to list. Bob Thompson is always there for us when we need him, a special thank you too Bob.

One of our most enjoyable events at the exhibition is our Raffles. This years winners were:

1st Chelsea ticket no. green A15

2nd Marion ticket no. blue F13

3rd Elaine Ticket no. orange F35

4th Fay Ticket no. blue F50

Lucky door prize Lizette

Again thank you to those who year after year participate and keep the club running as well as it does. It would be hard to mention everyone but special thanks to the newer members such as Denise, Carolyn and Suzy and their families who are just getting to know the ropes. If you would like to join our club and learn how to work with stones and turn them into jewelry, you are very welcome.

Just another mention of our participation at NAIDOC, Denice Ezzy asked us to come and have a table for the kids. We also were to give out info about the club. Ron and Elaine graciously spent the day. They had a lot to say about how they enjoyed themselves. They were so appreciative of how well it was set up and how it was free for everyone to enjoy. Even the milkshakes. Thank you so much Denise, you are a champion.

the AGM

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday September 7th. (just FYI at the time I am writing this it may be an election day). The AGM is a very special day for us because we have our election too. The election is held right after the normal general meeting .  The offices that are open will be posted on the bulletin board.

Special General Meeting and Barbeque Sat. Oct. 12th, 2013

This meeting is to be held to consider the revised constitution. Each and everyone of us are required to read and respond to the revisions to our constitution.These are the rules of the club that we are to follow. We have been given suggested revisions by the lapidary council and we need to respond to them within a certain time. Our members must read the revisions, not just a commitee. We will look forward to your responces. thank you

If you have questions please leave a message at the club or phone Ron.

the newsletter links are below in two parts due to the photos. Thank you Suzy for the reports on the field trips, amazing stuff. And thanks for the workshop photos too!





General Meeting August 7th

Just welcoming everyone to the next General Metting. Everyone is welcome and just to remind you if  you have any suggestions this is the time to come in and say what you think. We are gearing up for the next AGM . We need you to suggest people to guide us 8-).

Please come we need your contributions.

9:30 am start.

A HUGE thank you to those who helped with the exhibition. Special thanks to Millie for coming up all the way fromTassie! Nice to see you. We had a lovely group of sellers, just a big thank you to all, YOU are wonderful!

Our Member is putting on a Fun Day!NAIDOC

NAIDOC Family Fun Day

Where :

Emerton Leisure Centre

When :


11:30AM to 3:30PM


Denise is helping in a big way to put on the National Aboriginal and Islander Fun Day, July 10, 2013. Everyone is welcome and we will have a booth with several items and special fun with rock cards for you kids, Come along and enjoy!

NAIDOC (National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee) Week provides a platform to promote awareness, recognition and an understanding of the history and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

All are welcome to join in Emerton Leisure Centre’s NAIDOC Week Family Fun Day on Wednesday 10 July 2013 from 11:30am to 3:30pm.

The day will include:

  • Traditional Aboriginal performances
  • Program displays
  • Amusement rides and Jumping Castle
  • Aboriginal Art and Dance Workshops
  • Information stalls
  • Games, activities, a BBQ and more.
  • More Information here!

General Meeting Saturday 6 2013

Come join us at the General Meeting. Have your say and see for yourself what is happening.

It is important to see you in person because the Exhibition is coming up very FAST. We want to know how you can contribute, eg. kitchen help and setting up and taking down exhibits. We will need people at the sales tables

It is also time to collect items to contribute for club sales. This will help make the club a better place. PS check out the local papers, we will have a picture of Steve, our president in one.

We need you also to collect flyers and bookmarks to distribute advertising the exhibition.

The newsletter for this month will be available on Saturday the 6th of July, Thank you and See you there!


June Newsletter, exhibition details!

Gazette June 2013

Have a look at what is going on at the club.


Please copy and send out to those you think may be interested, Opals, Saphires, jewelry.  Lots for the kids as well. You will enjoy coming, so much to see!

Our exhibition, Beads and Gems, jewelry, crystals, opals saphires.

Exhibition flyer July 2013

our members pages, Adam’s Opal Shop

*if you have something for sale and want it published please feel free to e

Bob's great selection

exhibition jewels and beads, Do you need one stone or 50?
Do you need one stone or 50? We have a wide selction


mail me ( ) or leave a comment with a photo of the article for sale and/or link below.  I will be happy to publish it. Kathy

*link to rules and regulations of lapidary clubs are here :

Bead and Gem Show Cancelled! We are still having our Show Spread the NEWS

We found that the Bead and Gem Show  Cancelled their shows in Sydney area and Brisbane !

On their show web site that they have cancelled Leumeah (Sydney show) and also Brisbane show due to lack of interest from major stall holders.

This does Not affect our Lapidary Bead and Gem Exhibition on July 13th and 14th.

We have many Gemstone Exhibitors and Stalls for all craftsmen. You are welcome to come and join us. Mark your Calendar Now

Call our Club for more info, leave a message or ring the numbers provided.