April Gazette 2013 Happy Easter!


Please see the newsletter for most of the current news however there will be some slight changes coming soon to how you get your news. Please know that I have loved your support and kindness. Kathy



Gazette April 2013 web copy pg 1-2

Gazette April 2013 web copy pg 3-4

Pardon the black and white newsletter, due to communication problems the file was too large to upload in colour and to enjoy in one link, page 4 has what’s on -the up coming events.

Remember the exhibition is coming!

Remember! I can be contacted at campbelltownlapidary@hotmail.com,  Kathy


March Newsletter and a reminder for our Open Day Sausage Sizzle


Dear Members,

just a reminder that news articles and members notice board items are more than welcome.
Don’t forget that our Club Open day is on Saturday 16th March and we would very much like to see you there. All stalls are free of charge. Volunteers to help are also welcome..(from the newletter secretary)

Click here for the newsletter Gazette March 2013

Thank you for all of your support, Kathy

Remember to click below if you wish to leave a comment.

Please note the silver casting will not be held on Friday the 8th and also contact Barry for the next workshop.

Our new web address is http://www.campbelltownlapidary.org.au

If you need to contact the club directly please feel free to email at

the club computer is: ctownlapidaryclub@bigpond.com

club phone (02) 9618 3206 messages can be left and if needed replied to.

*The next management meeting will be held the 20th, the third wed. of the month unless otherwise notified.



Dates we need to know Spread the News!

Hi all,

Here goes! thanks for being patient.

I will list a few dates here just in case along with the last two newsletters.

gazette Dec Jan 2012 2013

Gazette February 2013

Next General meeting Saturday March 2, 2013

Starts at 9:30 am on the dot. All members are welcome and should come. This is where you will be heard if you have something to say!

Open Day  Sausage Sizzle Boot Sale 16th of March 2013

We welcome the public to come and see how the club works. Please share this information with others and feel free to come and tail gate. Everyone and I mean everyone is needed to advertise and get ready for this day, thank you all ahead of time.

Campbelltown Lapidary Annual Exhibition July 13th and 14th, 2013

Please start spreading the news for all of our activities, member participation is always needed and greatly appreciated.

Remember  also our new web address! www.campbelltownlapidary.org.au

Remember also that you can contact me, Kathy, the webmaster, directly on the old email: campbelltownlapidary@hotmail.com

however the new email for the club computer is: ctownlapidaryclub@bigpond.com

club phone (02) 9618 3206 messages can be left and if needed replied to.


February & a new web address!

Hi there everyone!
News for all of us. I have a new web site address for all of us. So far Good! Thank you to my wonderful son who helps us regularly with my computer work.
Please! this is important! give everyone our new web address. www.campbelltownlapidary.org.au
I will be bringing you the new newsletter as soon as I get it.
Take care and I still can be contacted directly on the hotmail email address. campbelltownlapidary@hotmail.com

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone.

Here’s to a wonderful new year for everyone.  We have much to look forward to in the upcoming year. Please look to the Newsletter for dates.

Personally I have had my hands full. My back surgery and my husbands triple bypass surgery has slowed me down considerably but this soon will all be a distant memory. Please contact the club with your questions. I will be back on board in approximately a month and a half. Please do not hesitate to ring myself, Steve (our president) or leave a message at the club. Thank you all for your get well wishes. It has made a big difference knowing you care.

yours, Kathy

Knot website

Many of our jewellry projects need a good source for knots, so here  is one

The comments have been turned on . My helper had good intentions of keeping the ads/spam  out of our site so it was turned off but I will give it a try again. You click on the comments on your screen and your should have a window to write what you wish. Then it comes to me and I say” Hey you are not spam “so it then goes on the web site. Alternatively, you can email me at our old email address and I can place your asvertisememt for your work or your used equipment asap. thanks for all you aupport, Kathy

Remember the Manangement meeting is coming up!

Christmas dinner ad inf All Welcome!


Christmas dinner ad inf All Welcome!

Saturday Jewelry Workshop

I am sorry, having communication problems here. However there is a wire wrapping workshop on tomorrow. at the usual times 9:30 am start.

Steve, our new president, will be heading it up. Please email your message at the club house- it should be read Sat. morning but only then at this late date. c/townlapidaryclub@bigpond.com  it is best to just show up.

Sorry about the glitch..the cambletownlapidary@hotmail.com address is still working if you wish to email me directly.

I HAVE NOT QUIT THE CLUB for those who are wondering, I just have to take it very easy on my back. arrrgh it is not easy. All the best Kathy S.

Profile 2012 Exhibition JMGA Biennial Award Exhibition

Kamilla Shepard one of our Award winning artists has invited us to see more of her outstanding work!

This is the email she sent us!

Dear Everyone,


I wish to invite you to the opening of Profile 2012- JMGA NSWs Biennial Award Exhibition in which I have some work.


The opening is on Thursday 1 November 6-8pm at Gaffa Gallery, Sydney.


It would be lovely to catch up over a drink or two if you can make it!


More details about the show are in the attached e-vite.




