November News

Happy Thanksgiving! Christmas is around the corner. Good luck with preparations everyone.
I have a great deal of catching up to do.
First thanks everyone on the open day. You had a lot of very kind wishes for me.

Very important note from John our new secretary newsletter writer:
####Please find listed below some important dates which were not published in the Newsletter.
– 15/12/2018 at 12 noon the Club Christmas Party begins. Setting up starts at 11am.
$5 per person to be pre-paid to assist with catering.
Please bring a plate of cakes, slices or savouries and dip or a plate of food to help with the lunch.

– 22/12/2018 is the last day in 2018 the Workshop is open.
– 12/01/2019 Club workshop re-opens in 2019.

– 26 & 28/01/2019 Club workshop is closed for Australia Day Public Holiday.

– 8/12/2018 is the next Management Committee meeting – 9am to 10am. Workshop open at 10am.

A very safe, yet Magical Christmas and New Year to you and your families.


Kind Regards,
our November Newsletter:

Rock Grinders Gazette-November-2018

Rock Grinders Gazette-October-2018

Membership is now overdue:

Please see the newsletter for more information. Please check in, the fee is minimal compared to the benifits. If you have had circumstances that have kept you from the club for any amount of time you are very welcome to rejoin -there in no penalty. If you need our help please contact us. Best Wishes Kathy

Author: kathy

Web site manager for Campbelltown Lapidary Club